Kevin Roice

I am an MSc Statistical Machine Learning student with Martha White and Adam White at the University of Alberta. I completed my BSc double majoring in Physics & Computer Science at Durham University. I was an undergraduate researcher at the University of Cambridge under Semyeong Oh.

RHapTor: Rendering Haptic Torques for Virtual Reality

We developed 3 algorithms to demonstrate how torque manipulation can create perceptions of resistances, dynamic tensions and rumbling for VR experiences.

Presented at ACM SIGGRAPH 2022, Vancouver BC, Canada



An excercise in scientific computing where I built models of concepts I encountered mathematics and physics.


An education platform that sheds light on the lesser known but needlessly fascinating side of maths and physics.


A Visual Studio Code extension allowing beginners render dozens of lines of web dev boilerplate with a few characters.

Searching for Blackholes and Neutron Stars

Using weird star motions to find dark stellar companions (massive objects that don't glow).

Teaching and Talks

Summer Geometry Initiative - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

CMPUT 267 Basics of Machine Learning - University of Alberta

CMPUT 101 Introduction to Computing - University of Alberta

Coordinated, ran and graded lab sessions for a class with 400+ undergraduates from all faculties enrolled. Covered the basics of programming using Python 3.

COMP 2261 Artificial Intelligence - Durham University

Ran lab sessions for penultimate year undergraduates seeking an introduction to AI Search, Bias in AI and Supervised Machine Learning.

Explore ML